The Journey Ahead: Don’t Look Back

Here comes that time again. The time when summer comes to a close, vacation ends, kids start school, and we begin to settle into a new schedule. What does that mean for us, the parents, the adults? What is in store for us during the year that lies ahead? How can we continue to find purpose and meaning in our lives year after year in spite of our routines and schedules? I recently had the opportunity gain a fresh perspective and a renewed outlook that has energized me as I look forward to my own path for the future.
My husband Eliot and I went on an amazing vacation this summer to celebrate my 40th birthday and our 15-year anniversary. Initially, we considered a vacation to Europe (that seems like where to go when you ship three kids off on an airplane to their grandparents’ house). But after pondering this plan, we kept going back to what makes us feel re-energized and happy. We like to be active and outdoors, so we decided to visit a resort and spa in Utah. As strange as this may seem, we would be very unhappy travelers if we could not engage in some type of exercise on a daily basis. That’s just who we are, and we have accepted these wonderful, yet occasionally limiting personality characteristics.
Eliot and I planned a trip to Red Mountain Spa in St. George, Utah. I am continuously humbled by the people we meet along our travels, hearing their life stories and seeing their level of dedication and hard work. We met a hiking guide named Kerri Higley, who was awesomely inspiring. I spent three early mornings hiking along different trails at a fast pace with Kerri. She challenged me on a physical level during these three-hour workouts, which is an aspect in life I seek to find—someone pushing me past my comfort zone. Emotionally, she inspired me by hearing her stories of childhood, an early marriage, having children at a young age, and being a grandmother at the ripe age of 43. She gave me the gift of laughter at the top of a mountain and allowed me to disclose my personal stories while she listened in a very encouraging and nonjudgmental manner. I will always remember Kerri and the lessons she taught me about personal fortitude and family commitment.
I also met a wonderful fitness instructor named Lori Jones. I attended her ChiBall TM Stretch class. This class was described as a time to “allow your body to release stress while gently massaging your muscles using scented ChiBalls to release tension and restore energy.” Following her class, I spoke to her about soothing music I could use in my new fitness studio. Not only did she give me suggestions, but she had made me a CD of relaxation music downloaded from her iPod to get me started with my new business. She touched my heart with her generous nature as she left this CD on my door the day following our meeting.
Prior to returning to Atlanta, my husband and I made a short stop in Las Vegas and stayed at the Palazzo, which houses the Canyon Ranch Spa. Clients are given a quotation after getting a massage at the spa. My husband’s quote went like this:
Health is not a destination; it’s a journey.
Along the way you make choices that determine
where your journey takes you.”
This quote seems to involve finding the path for both emotional and physical health. My experience at the Red Mountain Spa was so uplifting not only because of the innovative and novel fitness experiences that I had, but also because of the nurturing spirits of the individuals that I encountered. From my multiple paths in life (some of which have included completing my doctorate, moving to Atlanta from Philadelphia, raising three children, and, now, opening both a fitness studio and psychology practice), I realize that I could not have achieved these arduous endeavors on my own. These accomplishments have been a pinnacle of learning experiences with those who have listened to and witnessed my trials and tribulations as well as my shining moments―and then who have shown me a way to find my light without looking back. Based on this realization, some of the best advice I can give is this: Think about your destination and create a vision for yourself, but hold tight if you feel defeated or stray from your path. The most useful and functional lessons are the ones that have been painful and involved a struggle. You just have to let these experiences in, past your outer shell; that’s the only way I know to help you find your path and, ultimately, enjoy your journey to its fullest.
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Susan, thank you for the kind words. It was my pleasure to make suggestions and a CD for your music selection. I’m excited to hear how your new fitness studio is going. If I can help you in any way please let me know. I enjoyed meeting you and Eliot. It’s great to see couples experiencing Red Mountain together. I love Red Mountain and the beautiful surroundings here. So happy you enjoyed your stay and look forward to your return. I look forward to your updates and articles and learning from you.
Warm regards,