Dr. Susan Rudnicki Featured Expert on Peachtree TV
Susan addresses the impact of social media on bullying and the effective interventions to tackle the problem at home and in school.
Susan’s CNN interview
Watch Susan’s interview on CNN about making lasting positive changes using a mind/body approach.
Real Simple Magazine
Susan featured in “Get Organized for Better Health” by Leslie Goldman for Real Simple Magazine, January, 2018, pg. 81-83.
ELLE Magazine
ELLE Magazine features quotes from Susan in their article, “Can Fancy Athleisure Actually Make You Run Faster and Jump Higher?”
Best Self Magazine
Kristin Klingshirn praises Susan’s work in Best Self Magazine’s feature “Learning Lessons with Kristin Klingshirn”.
The Atlantic
The Atlantic features contributions from Susan in their article “Psychology of Lululemon: How Fashion Affects Fitness”.
Weight Watchers
Susan contributes to Weight Watchers’ article “How a Workout Buddy Can Help You Lose”.
Fitness Magazine
Fitness Magazine article “We Shaped Up as a Team” features Susan in a section called “The Secret that will Save Your Relationship”.
Atlanta Journal Constitution
Susan contributes to the AJC’s article “A Halloween Tale: The Monster Under the Bridge, Monster Helped Parents Keep Their Kids in Line”.
Atlanta Journal Constitution
Susan featured in Lauren Davidson’s article “Cultural Shifts During the Great Recession” for the AJC.
Fitness Magazine
Fitness Magazine’s “How Do I politely tell my gym buddy about BO?” features Susan.
Atlanta Parent Magazine
Atlanta Parent Magazine speaks with Susan in “Beauty and The Beast: Pageant Q & A”.
Health Magazine
Susan contributes to Health Magazine’s feature, “What’s the Ideal Workout For You?”, by Ayren Jackson-Cannady.
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